2015 - Concept Design
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Facts + Figuress
Date Of Design2016
Area1000 m2
Height17 M
StatusConcept Design
Headquarters building of Ghazvin glass factory :

In different yeras glass was an intermediate element affected the visual freedom and also the level of availability of people toward each other and it can create different meanings for different political and social goals. In a way that giving shape to democratic societies and development of social freedom against fascism buildings included tall and spinal walls in order to hide realities and humiliate human beings versus their own power, the measure of using these things has sometimes increased or at least undergone some changes and this material has been often used for accessibility of two concepts of existing and availability.

Therefore, the relation between the people of society and political and social structures in every

Now, we face with the building which is central place of producing glass company. And it is a sort of manufacturer of this material. We are supposed to know this building tends to have what kind of behavioral relation between its citizens and the people of society as a representative part of a large society.... Does mankind tend to have vast relationship with others? or is mankind elusive to have a mutual relationship? And finally, what kind of position this product will have for users in time and present geography.

The answer of writer:

If we accept that the level of peoples' communication in society is changing with social and political changes, we can find out why the society had been receptive of Hitler closed buildings on day and another day it was willing to have open architecture of modernism....So the writer as an architect couldn't have a fixed theory regarding to answer to social matters at the present and future time and also the level of the tendency of mankind about communicating together....But two factors of time and user will express more real answer. Consequently, we can imagine one building which the user is free to search his own special space and create it...In this way he is responder to numerous differences and the user can make an architect of building out of control ....Therefore, the structure of the building is waiting for some answers as a small society that passage of time can create on it, and in this regard , at first the building will be delivered to the customer, won't answer. So the architect and viewers will sit beside each other waiting for answer and result.

The answer of writer:
Historical documentation is the sign of relation in place of glass with different social structure

Historical  documentation is the sign of relation in place of glass with different social  structure
The skeleton of building can be sign of tendency in communicating in society over time :

The skeleton of building can be sign of tendency in communicating in society  over time :

1 : From four directions of existed building , three directions are light in relation to the city, therefore, we set free these sides and eastern side neighborhood, allocates to the accessible spaces, staircase, elevator and lavatory. 2: Then one repository of glass panel with different transparent degree has been located in the center of building so that the user can determine intended spaces with supplanting of these glasses, and the level of their availability toward their own coworker and also about city people... 3 : From now on, the users of building with their own discretion will be able to define the kind of space and the level of their own accessibility to other users and outside of the building's passers-by and depending on their own need, they have used the storage glasses ( the product of Ghazvin Glass Company) and returned them into the storage if they don't need them ... 2016 - 2025 - 2040 : One camera can record the life history of building and these recorded annual picture could be the sign of interaction and freedom of choice among man kinds in their own age . Ghazvin glass company considered to construct the building in order to promote its product and encourage people to use more of this product :



Ghazvin glass company considered to construct the building in order to promote its product and encourage people to use more of this product : Do the users tend to be seen by the society? What about their coworkers ? The employees of this company are part of the social and cultural representative of Iran. In your opinion how much tendency will they have in communicating with the society? Can promotion be a victor about social and political thoughts in certain geography?

در دوران مختلف شیشه به عنوان عنصر واسطی که آزادی بصری و به نوعی در دسترس قرارگرفتن افراد نسبت به هم را تحت تاثیر قرار می داد میتوانست به عنوان دست آویزی , معنا های متفاوتی را برای مقاصد مختلف سیاسی و اجتماعی ایجاد نماید . به گونه ایی که با شکل گیری جوامعِ دموکراتیک و توسعه آزادی های اجتماعی , در مقابل جوامع فاشیستی که دیوارهای بلند و صلبی را برای مخفی کردن حقایق و تحقیر انسان‌ها در برابر قدرت خود قرار می دادند , میزان استفاده از آن گاهاً افزایش و یا حداقل دستخوش تغییراتی شده است و اغلب از این ماده برای دست یابی به دو مفهوم (بازبودگی )و(در دسترس بودن) استفاده می شده است . در نتیجه کنش عمومي میان جامعه و ساختار سیاسی ، اجتماعی در هر عصر تا حدودی می تواند نشانگر میزان این رابطه باشد. حال با بنایی روبرو هستیم که نماینده تولید این ماده می باشد , این بنا وکاربرانش به عنوان بخشی از یک جامعه بزرگ خواهان چه سطح از رابطه رفتاری نسبت به خود و دیگران خواهند بود . آیا انسان در جامعه امروز تمایل به ارتباط وسیع با دیگران دارد؟ و یا گریزان از یک رابطه متقابل است؟ پاسخ نگارنده : اگر بپذیریم که میزان رابطه انسان ها در جامعه با تغییر ساختارهای سیاسی و اجتماعی دائما در حال تغییر است ,می توان پی برد که چرا روزی جامعه ملزم به پذیرش بنا های بسته هیتلری و روزی خواهان معماری باز مدرنیسم بوده است. پس نگارنده خود به عنوان یک معمار نمی تواند فرضی ثابت در جهت پاسخگویی به میزان تمایل انسان ها به برقراری ارتباط با یکدیگر داشته باشد . بلکه دو عامل زمان و کاربر پاسخ مناسب تری را می توانند بیان کنند . در نتیجه بنایی را تصور می کنیم که کاربر مختار است فضاي خاص خود را بجويد و آن را پديد آورد. تا از این طریق بنا پاسخگوی تفاوت های بیشمار باشد .بنابراین از ساختار بنا به عنوان جامعه ایی کوچک در انتظار پاسخ هایی خواهیم بود که گذشت زمانه برای آن ایجاد می کند و در این راستا ساختمانی که در ابتدا تحویلِ مشتری خواهد شد پاسخ مشخصی نخواهد داشت . و معمار و مخاطبین در کنار هم در انتظار پاسخ و نتیجه خواهند نشست .


2015GLASS FACTORY COMPETITION | NominatedGhazvin glass company

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